Like the name suggests, this is a pattern that must be in your box. A hares ear representation, but with extra bugginess, the Guide's Choice Hares Ear is a perfect fly to use for any trout stream. Use this as a drop or with swing this during a hatch.
5.00/5 Stars out of 7 Reviews
Alex (Massachusetts) | July 18th, 2022
This fly works nicely dead drifted but also on the swing. Can also be combined in one drift
Christopher (Montana) | March 8th, 2022
A nice little pattern with all the bells and whistles. Lots of sparkle areas to entice the eye. I keep a couple of these around for the real low-light days in clear or murky water.
Tim DeMarco (Idaho) | February 21st, 2022
This bug works! I have learned to tie it but I have no problem buying this one because its done well!
MF (PA) | June 2nd, 2021
I tie this fly myself and it works close to every time. Wonderful pattern to have in your box.
HP | April 1st, 2021
great go to fly
Bryan Peters (Ohio) | November 27th, 2020
A great fly to fish on light line nymph fishing. Holds up well after multiple fish caught and released.
Trey (Texas) | November 1st, 2020
Nice looking fly for a good price. Perfect for fishing under an indicator. Not good for tight line nymphing, just not heavy enough.