Where are you located and where do you fish? I am in Clifton, Ohio
I fish The Little Miami River, The Mad River, and any body of water that I can get a line wet.

What species do you fish for? I target saltwater species the most. I target largemouth bass and small mouth bass locally.
What gear do you use? I use Nautilus, G loomis, and TFO.
Days on the water? I spend as many days on the water as I can.
When did you start fishing? I have been an angler since the age of 17. I have been a fly fisherman for 8 years. My wife wanted to give fly fishing a try, so we did it together. Once I caught my first fish on the fly I was hooked.
What do you get out of fly fishing I love catching new species that I have never caught before. I love the research of the species and traveling to places I would never find myself traveling to without the pursuit of the species.
Tips for new anglers? A new tip I would give to a new angler is to master the strip set.
Tips for experienced anglers? A tip I would give to experienced anglers is to always be willing to pass the love of the sport on to others.

How did you find REELFLYROD and why do you continue to love and support REELFLYROD? My first experience with ReelflyRod was getting my first set of waders for my wife and I. We were literally there for 2 hours asking question. I love and continue to support ReelflyRod because no is never an answer for Reelflyrod. If ReelflyRod does not carry the equipment you need to target the species you are after, ReelflyRod will research it and get you the answers you need no matter what. The staff at ReelflyRod are also just a great group of humans and I would literally buy my groceries there if I could.